Chiropractic & Pregnancy

Commonly Reported Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy:

* Improved functioning of the nervous system helps both the mother and the developing fetus

* Proper alignment of the pelvis supports the growing uterus and allows maximum room for the baby to grow

* Proper positioning of the fetus for labor and delivery helps reduce the amount of pain the mother experiences during labor and allows for an easier birth

* Lower back/pelvic pain due to the weight of the developing fetus is reduced

* Some common hormonal side effects that result from pregnancy are eliminated

In addition, many chiropractors have been trained to use the Webster Technique, which uses gentle adjustments to help a baby assume the best possible position for a safe delivery. In is generally used when a baby is in a breech position in the uterus. Many women have successfully avoided Cesarean section births because of this technique.

Many mothers-to-be who benefit from chiropractic care report easier labor and faster deliveries!

(info graciously taken from Fountain of Life ChiroStudio)